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Hello from Japan

TreckTreck is Travel experience agency in Japan,  introducing  Insider tour like exploring Japanese real life and craftsmanship, connecting to creative people, places and businesses  in all over Japan.

Takako TAMAKI : Tamakiya Kimono Shop

Takako TAMAKI : Tamakiya Kimono Shop

“From the grandmother to the mother, from the mother to the daughter. Kimono, which connects the thoughts across generations, is certainly a wonderful product!"”

An efficient tone and a stylish conduct.
Ms. Takako Tamaki is a lady filled with affection, who will give you a thorough answer to your questions regarding kimono from wearing rental kimono to stylish dressing.

Tamakiya is a kimono store which was established in 1924. This store also makes carefuly selected Japanese sundries called "Fukagawa Gonomi" (registered trademark). 
The neighborhood of Fukugawa was originally developed as a town build around the Tomioka Hachimangu since the Edo period. Since that time, cultural people, merchants, and townspeople among other several individuals have lived in this area, which created a unique and stylish downtown culture. This store deals kimono and sundries which are deemed "stylish" by these people. Of course, they also have festival goods for Fukagawa Festival (socks, short drawers, and koikuchi shirts).

As the festival draws closer, customers, who are looking for brand new costumes, increase. Aside from this, the store also dressed the children during the local elementary school graduation ceremony, and they also convey the fine quality of long-sleeved kimono to young women during the coming-of-age ceremony. This store has continuously watched over the lives of the people in the town through kimonos.

Kimonos are not only beautiful; they are also functional and reasonable. They are perfect for travel since they do not easily wrinkle when folded and are not bulky because of their thinness. You may get gain or lose weight but these can be worn even with changes in your body shape through the years. You can also wear it for decades if you have it tailored again. This will certainly connect the thoughts handed down through generations from the grandmother to the mother, from the mother to the daughter, and from the daughter to her children.

In recent years, the number of foreign customers has been increasing, and she has enthusiastically said that she wants to convey the culture of Japan, and leave something to future generations. I still have a lot of things to learn about kimono from this great woman.

Kimono Rental

Kimono JPY4,000 /day, Yukata (for Summer) JPY3,000 /day

You can rent kimono , and go for around Kiyosumi garden and Fukagawa Edo Museum etc.

Shop Informations

ADRESS:2-13-3 Miyoshi,Koto,Tokyo,Japan
OPEN: Monday to Sunday  10:00am-7:00pm *irregular holidays
URL: http://www.tamakiya-gofuku.tokyo.jp/
☎︎ +81 3-3641-5298

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